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Guided tour of art collection

Register for a tour of the art collection here. Please note that this tour will be in Dutch.

Date: 5 August
Time: 16:00 - 17:00

You’ll learn about dozens of artworks that make our collection so unique. From film to paper, and from oil to photography. From the hustle and bustle of George Hendrik Breitner’s Rokin to the dynamic interplay of lines in the work of Valentine Prax. From the everyday absurdity in Lotte Geeven’s films to the parallel worlds in Matthew Monahan’s sculptures. Discover all this and more with our curator.


Learn all about the economy

Vrouw staat voor informatief spel in tentoonstellingsruimte.

Money collection

Learn about money from the past and present 

Munt onder de loep.

Art collection

View the artworks

Bezoekers krijgen uitleg over een kunstwerk.