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About De Nederlandsche Bank 

Money, finance, the economy: that’s what De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) is all about. We are the custodians of the gold of the Netherlands. We issue euro banknotes. We ensure that financial institutions have sufficient cash on hand and comply with the rules, and take action when this is not the case. We also implement European policies to keep inflation at around 2%. We conduct research and advise the Dutch government. And we engage in dialogue on issues that affect us all. We do so in De Nieuwe Schatkamer. You are welcome here for a lecture, debate or event. And to find out all about money and the economy. 
De Nederlandsche Bank.


Learn all about the economy

Vrouw staat voor informatief spel in tentoonstellingsruimte.

Money collection

Learn about money from the past and present 

Munt onder de loep.

Art collection

View the artworks

Bezoekers krijgen uitleg over een kunstwerk.